Monday, November 16, 2009

WinXP Registry Repair - Boot Faster, Use Faster

Most modern day computers, once they become a few months old, they start to become very slow, and there comes a time, when it takes ages to shut down and just start. Why is the boot process which is so important becoming slow? You need to understand that there is a controller behind every event that takes place and this is the registry. The registry is what needs to give the right commands to the operating system so that it can boot. When there are values in the registry that are completely corrupted, you will have to face such boot problems and an overall slow down in the performance of the computer. The only way you can be rid of this problem is to use a winxp registry repair tool.

Before we examine the winxp registry repair tool, we will discuss the manual process of going about this. If you type the msconfig command into the run dialog box, there is a pop up menu that comes up which is called the system configuration. Among the several tabs there is the start up option. On clicking this you will notice that there are several programs that are lined underneath which are checked. These are the programs that load at the boot time.

If you closely examine the list, you will find that many of those need not be initially loaded but can be done when wanted like your messenger or other commodities. This is why your computer is taking so long to load. To add up to things if the corresponding links in the registry are corrupt, these will not load and will cause the blue screen error and the like. This is why you need a winxp registry repair program.

The winxp registry repair program makes sure that the entire process that is detailed above is done automatically. So if you are a person who is not so technically sound, this is your option because this does not require human intervention. The only thing that you need to do is install the winxp registry repair tool and schedule the scan. Once it scans give the fix errors and -there you are - all your problems solved in just a single click.

Now Pay Close Attention Here-

There are many registry Repair Tools available, Every Registry Cleaner has some benefits as well some drawbacks. Check the Registry Cleaners Review, Also Don't Forget to Run a Free Performance Scan using our Top Pick.

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