The early emergence of idea of this simulator program, when the programmer participated in the practice study and research at the wheat milling factory of PT Bogasari Flour Mills Jakarta a few years ago. There’re various types of wheat mixed between the wheat which has low protein (soft wheat), medium wheat and high protein (strong wheat). The calculation of blend is usually done manually (calculator) to get the desired protein content; either blend of 2 types of wheat or 3 types of wheat. With calculation manually seen tardy and dabbl to make a test of blend with protein content of wheat blend that approaching the desired protein content.
From linear regression equations model y = mx + b

Determination level of wheat formula from three types of wheat to produce a certain type of wheat flour in the wheat milling factory is usually determined randomly or in multiples of certain comparison with the total mix of the end of 100% and the rate of protein with a specific approach. For example, in PT ISM Bogasari Flour Mills, mixing of three types of wheat i.e. APH wheat (Australian Prime Hard) with a rate of 13% protein, CWS wheat (Canadian White Spring) with a rate of 12.5% protein dan ASW wheat (Australian Soft Wheat) with a rate of 9% protein to produce wheat flour with protein content 12% obtained with 40% of APH, 40% of CWS and 20% of ASW. Restricting factors of the method of determination level of the wheat formula is the amount of wheat and the rate of protein used, while the production cost of procurement of raw materials for wheat flour produced is not defined.
Determination level of wheat formula from three types of wheat in addition can be determined randomly or in multiples of a certain comparison, it can be determined by the method of simulation analytical balance equilibrium (analitical balance simulation). With this method of simulation analytical balance equilibrium can be determined some of the wheat formula that products finally have a certain range of parameters as the rectricting factors i.e. the rate of protein, water, fat, carbohydrate, dan ash. In this illustration, rectricting factors used for determining level of the wheat formula is protein content of the wheat flour produced.
Protein content of wheat flour determine the quality of wheat flour produced in the wheat milling industry. According to the ISM Bogasari Flour Mills (1996), wheat flour of Cakra Kembar brand contains protein 12--14%, wheat flour of Segitiga Biru brand contains protein 10--12% dan wheat flour of Kunci Biru brand contains protein 7.5--10%.
Determination level of wheat formula with the method of simulation analytical balance equilibrium, especially for 3 types of wheat that has a big difference of protein content (extreme) as the protein content of wheat which has high protein and wheat which has low protein will produce some formula which has same protein content on the different level of wheat contribution.

This simulator program is emphasized at mixing 3 input of wheat that has a different protein content, to achieve percentage point of the desired protein (Figure 1). This simulator program has advantages compared with the calculation manually. Other than as practical and fast, each formula of each input of wheat has a certain range to achieve target protein content of wheat blend that we specify (Figure 2 dan Figure 3).
For example, protein of wheat A = 10%, protein of wheat B = 11% and protein of wheat C = 13%. Three types of wheat are mixed to get protein content of wheat blend of 12%. With this simulator program will be obtained some alternative formula of wheat blend as follows:
n = Formula of wheat blend which is to -n
F1 = Wheat A (%); with a range of 0% -- 50%
F2 = Wheat B (%); with a range of 0% -- 33.33%
F3 = Wheat C (%); with a range of 50% -- 66.67%
pF4 = The target protein of wheat blend (%)
If we make the graph will be seen as follows:
Figure 2. Wheat formula at protein content of 12%
From the graphic image seen that each of the grist input has the lowest ranges and the highest ranges to achieve the target protein content of the grist blend of 12%; if the composition of grist A boosted up, the composition of grist B and the composition of grist C will descend.
The other example, if three types of this grist are mixed again to get the protein content of grist blend of 11%. With this simulator program will be obtained some alternative of the following grist formula :
If we make the graph will be seen as follows:

Figure 3. Wheat formula at protein content of 11%
From the graphic image seen that each of the grist input has the lowest ranges and the highest ranges to achieve the target protein content of the grist blend of 11%; if the composition of grist A degraded, the composition of grist B go up and the composition of grist C descend.
In fact from 2 examples above can be made more than 6 formula, because this program produces a range of the minimum and maximum values from each input of wheat; 6 formula in the example above only represent a range of the minimum and maximum values from every input of wheat.
From 2 illustration of the wheat formula above, if made a line graph with the level of contribution of wheat B (%) as x – axis dan the protein content of wheat (%) as y - axis, can be concluded that to get a blend of wheat A, wheat B and wheat C with the level of contribution wheat B 0--100%, the region that may be for the target protein of the desired wheat blend is at a range / regional of total protein of 2 wheat blend on each level of contribution i.e. the area of graph of protein content wheat A-wheat B with the area of graph of protein content of wheat C-wheat B (Figure 4). The hatched areas indicate the possible position to determine the protein content of wheat blend.

Figure 4. The Level of Contribution of B Wheat
Note:F1 = Wheat A (%)
F2 = Wheat B (%)
F3 = Wheat C (%)
Meanwhile for the wheat blend with protein content of APH Wheat 13%, protein content of CWS wheat 12.5% dan protein content of ASW wheat 9% with the level of contribution of CWS wheat 0--100%, the possible region for target protein of the desired wheat blend is at at a range / regional of total protein of 2 wheat blend on each level of contribution i.e. the area of graph of protein content APH wheat-CWS wheat with the area of graph of protein content of ASW wheat-CWS wheat (Figure 5). The hatched areas indicate the possible position to determine the protein content of wheat blend.

Figure 5. The Level of Contribution of CWS Wheat
If APH wheat, CWS wheat dan ASW wheat are mixed to obtain the protein content of wheat blend of 12%. Besides obtained with comparison of 40% APH, 40% CWS and 20% ASW, With this simulator program will be obtained some alternative of the following grist formula :
Note:n = Formula of wheat blend which is to –n
APH wheat (%); with a range of 0.01 -- 75%
CWS wheat (%); with a range of 0 -- 85.7%
ASW wheat (%); with a range of 14.29 -- 25%
pF4 = The target protein of wheat blend (%)
The hatched areas these are as a key in determining the level of actual wheat formula! With the help of this simulator program, the hatched region is easier in exploration.
From mixing of 3 kinds of input wheat can be developed for calculation of the amount of water needed during the process of dampening or expansion of the program for mixing 4 input, 5 input or more, the addition other components such as the addition of the price input each wheat/kg, fat, carbohydrate, water and vitamin or mixing 3 kinds of input or more of non wheat flour for making any formula of the composite flour or any formula of the livestock woof. (Now, this simulator program have been developed to this direction).
*) Content of this article is developed from research of Suwandy J. 1998. Physical Properties of Composite Flour and Organoleptic Properties of Flat Bread from some Formula of Simulated Results of Corn Flour, Wheat Flour and Soybean Flour. Script. Majors of Food Technology. Faculty of Agriculture. Lampung University. 120 pages.
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